Prayers and poems from Rachel

Rachel is a member of St. Magnus congregation in Lerwick, and she was confirmed last year. From time to time she feels moved to write a prayer, and some of these she has kindly sent on to me. I asked her if she would mind if I added a page here in order to post some of the prayers... she liked this idea.


Why have I been chosen
To walk thy path,
Why have you let me feel as much as I can feel...
it is with love , though ,
you, allow me to feel
you, bypass my humanly senses , too allow me to feel more ,
more care, more compassion, more awareness, more pain

more, yet less, sensation .........
you, My Father, God, Eternity have so much more for me
Allow me to grow

I pray Oh Lord, forgive me...

I, ask of you
Forgive me my trespasses
And I pray that you, will
Forgive those who trespass against us....

Forgiveness is divine

Carry on Regardless
Do we allow ourselves to wonder...
about the birds in the air,
the beasts of the land
the creatures of the sea or
the beauty of the blossom,
the stars in the sky
the depths of space and ocean
Or, do we carry on regardless.

Do we feel happiness in others’ achievement?
And offer congratulations
Or, do we carry on regardless.

Do we feel the sadness when lives suffer loss?
And offer compassion
Or, do we carry on regardless.

Do we let in the awe of our own eternity?
And seek solace in it
Or, do we carry on regardless.....


Can we see it or hear it,
Do we know what it means?
Do we feel well with ourselves?
Maybe we should say
Do we feel peace?
If not
Where can peace be found?
It is found in an awesome infinite love,
A love that we all can feel
A love that to each and every one of us is different,
We are all capable of letting this love grow,
There is no shame
Only betterness, only wellness
A calming and sustaining knowledge through all doubt
All will be well.
All manner of things will be well.
Through love divine.


Unconditional Love

We adore you, loving Father
In a world of rules and regulations
Where love is bound by conditions.
Thank you for your love,
You help us to grow,
To become ourselves,
You allow us to take responsibility for our actions,
While making us very aware of them and their consequences,
Your love is not based on how we look or how we wear our hair,
It is not based on whether we can dance or sing
It is not based on our achievement or status
You simply love
As long as we let you
You allow us to actualise the inherent goodness of our humanity,
Thank You for Your love.

Validity. 8/2/11
It’ s all too much, no one is there,
an insight into my heart you know....
When there is loneliness, sorrow, despair and pain,
mine so insignificant . . . I know
My feelings are valid, though shamed I may feel,
Valid, Valid
I am valid, you know
I may not be like you....
Mostly different I expect,
But I am a valid person
A child
Of my God